Scrapbook Albums vs Scrapbook Folios
What is the difference between scrapbook folios and scrapbook albums? Read here to find out.
Creating a Travel Scrapbook
Fall is here. This time of year calls for reflection as our seasons begin to change. And for me, that reflection means organizing the photos of summer activities. Often, my dilemma is whether to make it a Summer Scrapbook that tells the story of the whole season. Or do I break it down into several […]
Spice Up Your Scrapbook Creations
Sometimes, I get into a rut and become creatively stuck. When this happens, I find that I just need to step away from the project for a day or two as I try to find my inspiration. For me, my inspiration is usually tactile. In other words, I look at textures and colors that inspire, […]
Fall Into Memories
Fall Into Memories Blog
Create a Yearbook for Homeschooled Children
Yearbook image
Scrapbooking With Children
Scrapbooking with children
What is Ephemera in Scrapbooking?
What is ephemera? It is defined as things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time…”there were papers, letters, old boxes – all sorts of ephemera.” Most often, ephemera is made of paper that has been printed or written on and to be used briefly then discarded. Think ticket stubs, programs, […]
Tape vs Glue in Scrapbooking: which is the preferred adhesive
tape vs glue in scrapbooking image
Scrapbooking Page Layouts Made Easy
I am a minimalist at heart, so I like to keep things pretty simple. This applies to my scrapbooking too. For me, handcrafting a scrapbook for my store is easier than actually decorating a scrapbook with my personal photos and mementos. I guess you would say I am a bit of a perfectionist, too. So, […]
Preserving Your Memories and Photos Through Scrapbooking – a beginner’s journey
I love to scrapbook, which is a hobby most of us are familiar with. At its most basic element, scrapbooks are collections of photographs and mementos. A scrapbooker selects photos that are displayed in albums, folios, and/or journals. Photo pages are often then embellished to enhance the story to help bring back those memories. Unlike […]